Picasso Cafe
DESIGNED BY AC CREATIVE STUDIO. Individually hand-painted and hand-bound, Picasso Cafe’s bar menu books embody their ‘Great Food is an...

Manchester Press
DESIGNED BY THE HUNGRY WORKSHOP. An initial crisp, clean pass of Melbourne bagelry Manchester Press’ one-page menu followed by a second,...

M Teafé
Saigon Using various typefaces, point sizes and weights to make each offering the same width, the M Teafé menu is clean, blocky and quite...

DESIGNED BY CODO DESIGN. Cerulean’s menus are designed and produced with a modern aesthetic and cool, industrial materials to reflect the...

DESIGNED BY DARLING VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS. With a botanical theme going and a luscious monochromatic illustration of Monstera-type leaves...

Harper’s Table
DESIGNED BY SELMAN DESIGN. Drawing inspiration from an early 1900s mural discovered behind a wall during construction (top image on the...

Cozmo Café
DESIGNED BY WONDEREIGHT. Totally adorable graphics boxed in my favorite border style still have plenty of room to breathe while you...